2020 is Finally Over, Enter 2021: Otoge Apocalypse


2020 was a rough year, and I mean a rough year. It’s probably been one of the hardest years for me in the past decade really due to a lot of personal reasons — something I’ll go a bit into at the end of this post, as I want to get some things off my chest (which I will provide a separator for when I get to it), but at the same time remain mostly light-hearted and excited for next year; however, I’m sure we all pretty much went through it these last twelve months, but with so much to look forward to in 2021 here’s to hoping that this upcoming year will treat us all much better.

Now, these past few months we’ve learned we have a ton coming our way in regards to games. 2021 is out to get us and our backlogs from the looks of things and frankly I’m beyond excited (even if I really should be tackling my backlog before anything…). Like at the end of every year, I like to take a look at what’s coming that I’m excited for — games I know a lot of us are excited for, actually.


Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles [Switch Port] – Completing the Code Realize Switch Port trilogy we have Wintertide Miracles coming early 2021 and I am excited to finally complete this series set for my Nintendo Switch. I’ve been going back and forth over whether or not to get the Limited Edition, since generally I’ve never been very impressed with Aksys’ Limited Edition sets; however, I figured I might as well get this one for the box so it can match the rest for the most part. Limited Edition aside, I’m super excited to replay this title! I’ve been meaning to replay all of Saint Germain’s routes across the games already so this is perfect timing for me.

Variable Barricade [First-Time Localization & Switch Port] – Now this, along with the other localization announcements, was not a title I was expecting considering what Aksys is normally attracted to in regards to their localization decisions. A friend and I had gone through the entire list of currently released and upcoming releases from Otomate and we really couldn’t pick much out that Aksys would be interested in when we considered what they usually steered clear from. So many of us didn’t have any hope for Variable Barricade coming to the West, but Aksys got us! I’m very excited to jump into this title and swoon over Shion and Kasuga, as undateable as he may be, and experience the glory that is our heroine Hibari. I have this game on PSVita; however, I never found time to complete it… I do know spoilers and such from reading up on the game, but I can’t wait to experience it all for myself!

Olympia Soiree [First-Time Localization] – This was one of the titles I was most excited for this year when I was awaiting its Japanese release and now having played it I can say I really enjoyed it. I’m always a sucker for Satoi’s art and character designs and boy did I fall hard for some of the boys in this title. Hearing that it was going to be localized had me dropping everything and just being like, “…What?!!!!!”, I was so surprised! This is one title I am a bit worried for in regards to quality though, as it’s going to take a rather delicate touch considering all the fantasy elements within the game’s setting. Damn though, I cannot wait to see my boy Yosuga again… I miss him and love him… (ノД`)・゜・。

DAIROKU: AYAKASHIMORI [First-Time Localization] – Out of the three announced titles, this was one I was on the fence about in regards to whether or not Aksys would pick it up. Lately, they really have seemed to shy away from any title that seems too…Japanese, I guess? Looking at what they’ve released in the last few years at least, that’s the vibe I was getting… Still, I kept it as a possibility because of the general vibe of the game as well as the art — we already had had a game where the art was done by Suou, that being Bad Apple Wars. I personally am having a lot of fun with this title! I haven’t finished it yet, but dang this is another game where the poster boy got me — Toyonaga’s voice acting is amazing for Semi. Bring up Suou again, like I said last year when I was getting excited for this game’s release in Japan, I love Suou’s art! So this is a title I’ll definitely be picking up again once the localized version is up for pre-order!

BUSTAFELLOWS [First-Time Localization] – Wow, just wow! Knowing this title is coming is something I am super excited for (Yes, I know… I’m technically excited for all of these, but-!!). I was not expecting this announcement, when I saw there was going to be an announcement I was expecting a fandisk, which…is also coming which again…excited for! I was absolutely not expecting to hear an English version of the main game was in the works. This was such good news, and hearing that PQube would be localizing it was also very interesting. It makes me want to hope they’re wanting to release otoge, and maybe Bustafellows is them testing the waters for that. It creates competition for Aksys, which will hopefully do us all some good and help with their own localization quality. PQube, from what I’ve seen, has also been very receptive to critique from fans online and have been pretty responsive — so, I’m hoping that’s a good sign! I definitely plan to support this release as soon as I can, and I hope that by showing our support we’ll prove to PQube that releasing more otome games would be good for them.

In terms of localization choices, this is a great selection of games and who knows — maybe we’ll see some more before 2021 is over with? Personally, I’m hoping for some news regarding Taisho Alice Episode 3! I really love that series and hope to see the titles that aren’t currently localized come our way. Here’s to hoping for it and more!

Japan Releases

CharadeManiacs [Port] – I love CharadeManiacs, I really love CharadeManiacs and know without a doubt if Mizuki is in any of the main bonus sets for the Switch port then I am done for. I’m already preparing my wallet. I can’t wait to reexperience this game and its characters, they’re so fun and the opening continues to be one of my absolute favorites. Whenever the port is released, this really is one title I feel would be a great choice for localization!

LoverPretend – When this title was first announced I wasn’t especially interested, considering all of my attention had been grabbed by other upcoming titles at the time. Now though, after seeing the opening sequence and the bonus sets… Oh boy am I excited for this game. The art is gorgeous and the opening is really pleasant to look at and listen to. I don’t know if I’ll be able to snag a copy on launch due to financial reasons, but it’s definitely a title I want to get my own copy of at some point. The concept and characters are all very interesting to me and the heroine is an absolute cutie!

Tokeijikake no Apocalypse – My excitement for this title has dropped a little since it’s initial announcement, but I’m still excited for it nonetheless! I’m still super intrigued by the game’s concept and how all of that is going to play out, and the heroine is also adorable! I’ve been especially curious lately considering most of the example CGs seem quite fluffy. “A game that starts from the bad end…” After seeing the example CGs it’s really made me curious to see how the game plans to go about that tagline. I probably won’t end up getting a limited edition copy, but I do plan on picking it up at some point!

Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation- – Now this…this title… I am so excited for this title it’s almost indescribable. Everything about it has really snagged my interest! The characters, the setting, the aesthetic, it’s all just so gorgeous and interesting. I’m sure it’s going to be a wild ride and probably pretty emotionally compromising, but I can’t wait to get attached to these characters in the process of it all! I knew right off the bat this is one title I’m definitely going to have to splurge on and get a limited edition set for — Yomi’s art is way too gorgeous to pass up, after all!

Kimi ga Yukima ni Koinegau – This title was only just recently announced, and while I don’t know much about it just yet beyond what the teaser showed us I can easily say I’m intrigued. The characters are very pretty and the concept, to me, is pretty interesting. I’m for sure going to keep my eyes on any updates Otomate gives us!


Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town – I’m a long time fan of the Bokujou Monogatari/Story of Seasons series and hearing we were getting a new one so soon after the Friends of Mineral Town remake has me so excited! Usually I’m used to waiting what feels like at least two years or so before a new one comes out. I can’t wait to jump into this game and meet all of the new characters. I have no idea who is going to end up my favorite in this one and I can’t wait to find out!

Rune Factory 5 – I still can’t believe this is real, that it’s really happening. I love the Rune Factory series so much and I’ve been wondering if we were ever going to get another title after Rune Factory 4 and Rune Factory 4 Special — that game (and Tides of Destiny) mean so much to me and knowing Rune Factory 5 is coming has me so happy I still feel like I could cry when I think about it. The heroine is adorable and my eyes are glued to Martin, Lyka, and Ludmila! I honestly can’t wait for this title! Seeing the trailer just leaves me amazed every time because–!! It’s real! It’s happening!

Dramatical Murder [First-Time Localization] – Hoooo boy, I can’t wait to finally own this game for real. I’m so happy it’s finally getting a legitimate release! I was happy when I heard the news, and honestly I really want to snag a physical copy…just don’t know if I’ll have the funds yet, but maybe I’ll be able to at some point! (Honestly, really wish the pre-order can badges weren’t random… I would want Clear…)

I can’t wait to relive this game, in fact, I still think about Clear from time to time so I’m super excited to reexperience his route and cry again… I know a lot of people have already played this game due to the fan-translation, but I hope now that it’s getting a legitimate release people will buy it and show their support now that that’s possible. For the longest time I was debating importing the PS Vita version, even though it lacks the R18 scenes; however, now that we have an official English release of the R18 version coming out I don’t need to debate anymore — this is definitely something I’ll be playing when the release date hits!

Slow Damage [First Time Release & Localization] – I don’t really know much about this title beyond what’s been advertised, but considering it’s Nitro+Chiral my attention is certainly grabbed. I love the art that’s come out so far for it too and I’m intrigued by the synopsis the website gave. I look forward to learning more about it as time passes and can’t wait to see it when it finally comes out, whenever that may be!

Now, there’s plenty more titles coming out in 2021 and beyond but I know just these are going to have my wallet running for the hills. Still, even with my wallet crying, these games are going to bring me so much joy when I get my hands on them, I know — even if some may leave me emotionally compromised too… After how hard 2020 has been I’m glad there’s so much in 2021 to look forward too. Sure, we can’t guarantee that 2021 will be any better overall than this year…but here’s to hoping, at least with all these games coming our way we’ll be distracted and have something to turn to whenever we need it.

This year was difficult, and I’m beyond happy that it’s almost over. So many awful things have happened this year to me that’s made things…unbelievably hard. Sorry, I’m getting kind of real here…but please forgive me for letting some of this out. This year I lost one of my grandmothers…and this grandma was by my side through so much and really helped me through an unbelievable amount of hard situations when my mental health was at an all time low. She was there for me at some of the darkest times in my life when I felt there was no hope for things to ever get better. She lived a full life, I can happily say that — she was ninety-seven, but to me this will have always happened too soon. No death in my family has hit me as hard as hers and to be honest I’m still not over it. It’s been hard to think about her, and hard to really even bring myself to move on, but I know it wouldn’t be good to not try my best to do so. So, now I’ve started seeing someone to help keep my mental health a priority. I’ve been doing what I can to take better care of myself, and while I’m still dealing with a ton of issues I’m doing my best to work on what I can.

In fact, one of my goals for 2021 is to find some more work so I can actually have the ability to pay for my doctor’s appointments. As of right now, without insurance, there are some doctors I can’t really see — like a specialist for my feet and ankles which have been messed up for a couple of years now. I’m hoping I can land a job so I can finally start making steps towards being an overall healthier person and here’s to hoping I can accomplish that!

I hope all of you can accomplish your own goals for the new year as well, and if any of you read that life update of mine then thank you and I hope it didn’t bring the mood down too much. (^ ^ ;;)

Now, in regards to any future updates — I’m still working on my reviews for Piofiore: Fated Memories and Café Enchanté! I have my notes saved and I might even replay some routes before it’s over with to really refresh my memory and get back into things on here. I’ve gotten really wrapped up in Pokemon lately, which… I’ve always been a huge fan of, but lately I’ve been going pretty hard on it with attempting to complete a Living Dex in Pokemon HOME and shiny hunt in my copy of Pokemon Sword.

I can really thank these games, Pokemon and Aksys’ releases this year — they’ve really helped me out. Sure, there’s been a ton of ups and downs with Aksys, as my previous post covered, but I’ve still enjoyed the overall experience of playing Piofiore and Café Enchanté. Thanks to them, I’ve managed to make a lot of new friends and I’ve even joined a few Discord servers — which before… I never would have done, I’ve been nervous about joining servers for awhile now because of how bad at talking with other people I can be…but I’m glad I took the plunge! I’m glad I’ve met so many amazing people thanks to these otome games!

Until next time!

2 thoughts on “2020 is Finally Over, Enter 2021: Otoge Apocalypse

    • It’s been hard, but I’m hoping this rough patch won’t last long either. I’ve never been great at keeping resolutions, but this is one I really, really want to keep and need to. I feel it’d make my grandma happy to see me working hard to get healthier and once I’m healthier and as I work towards becoming so… maybe I’ll even have an easier time getting back into the groove of things with writing too!

      I’ve hated how slow I’ve been lately and want to do better with my blog, so here’s to hoping things work out!

      Thank you for the wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

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