2021 Otome Announcements [Idea Factory International & Aksys Games]


Otome games incoming, and a lot of them! That’s not something I ever thought I could say as a fact in regards to localized releases, but here we are! The last two weeks have given the otome gaming community a lot to look forward to between the newly released Bustafellows, and the new games announced between Idea Factory International and Aksys Games! I can hardly remember a time we’ve ever had this much to look forward to in the way of localized otome games, and I am beyond excited that it’s happening! 

Now that everything has been announced for the most part, I wanted to share my feelings towards each title and go over the voice actors for each of the main love interests. Voice actors are a huge draw for some people, and it’s rare we ever shine the spotlight on them when it comes to advertising localizations. So, for voice actor fans I’m here to give everyone a list of who they are along with some notable other roles of theirs many of you might recognize.

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